Sunday, January 21, 2007

CulTural Sh0ooo0o0ck

come lets see... what to post today... well why not what i hv been thinking lately..? u are not gonna believe it.. i hv the feelings just like what my previous roommate, Sunny had said... Cultural Shock is the term he coined... he describes it as a feeling of 'shock' when he needs to leave BKK for KL.. now, is how i feel, cultural shock... haha

of course, i felt it... i think i hv mentioned the difference in another blog, that living in BKK is pretty nice (tons better) than KL... keke.. free & easy kinda lifestyle, less rush & less hectic.. there is cheap good coffee (not like the ever expensive Coffee Bean etc)... enjoyable lunchtime... great nite life, great table tennis opponents, warm & cosy service apartment, with lotsa friendly people, lotsa taxi rides (toyota altis) that wont cheat (KL cab drivers tends to)..... no more tomyam, tom sap, somtum, no more fried rice (chicken, pork, prawn, fish), no more 'kao lao'

apart frm Singapore which i hv visited, BKK would be the best destination in my travel list.. hehe, lets just say, make a vow to visit BKK when there is time... hmm, gotta gather money and maybe an army of friends to visit BKK next time... its a place to free our minds, as i would say... i just love Fridays in BKK... hehe last day of work.. there is relieve when the clock strucks 6pm, knowing that that is the end of the work day...

working is boring.. lol, did i just said boring..?! well i guess alot of people might agree with me.. ya, i can read your minds.. u fellas just have to agree with me.. sigh

Party People, It's Friday Nite... signing off now...

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