Hmm, too many blog sites to maintain nowadays, although im not an avid blogger, jus write smthing when i feel there is a need to.. yep, i hv just started one in MSN Space... nvr knew that there is one in MSN before this.. lolx, not much of a MSN Hotmail user since it's mailbox is juz 2MB back in 2000...
anyway, first few days in new company is quite boring... juz read documents... phew... lets describe abt the office environment.. small, quite (sometimes if there is no discussion), with cubicles (which is not available in Siamlife office & Silverlake).... yep, there is no desktop, but laptop.... so everyone here is using a laptop... and we have to carry it back home... luckily its a small laptop, 12 inches wide.. but im not used to such small displays.. fonts are way too small to read at... why not a 14 inch display? hehe cant complain so much as it is a Latitude D420... hv to get on with it anyway...
oh, too bad, i missed the bangkok lifestyle... haha lolx... everything is different... food, people, lifestyle, cheaper coffee, no side walk traders in KL, oh oh oh and not many leng luis to look at too... lolx hahahaha... now that is the difference...!!!!!!
anway, im looking forward to visit BKK real soon... and hope those people responsible for the New Year Eve bombing in BKK will be caught and brought to justice... let there be peace and prosperity for all...!!!!
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