Friday, November 17, 2006

PC Fails Me

whoosh, what a day.. my freakin PC shuts down numerous times, more than 6 times today.. a few days before, it have already show it's signs. shutting down once a day, till today, it shuts the shit out of me for 6 times.. curse it...

worse still, i have to disassemble it and remove the HD and backup lotsa stuffs by attaching it to another PC.. with small form factor (mini-ATX), all the wires and peripherals are tightly cramped, having such a hard time removing just the HD... argggghhhh !*&@.. then re-assembling is just as tough as disassembling it..!!!

curse my clients for having such PC and giving me such 'wonderful' time to spend.. hope they will replace mine with a new AMD-64 PC... haha... the PC im using was used by Mr. Kiu and my ex-gf... so i guess it served all of us well and its time to retire that piece of crap.. crap crap crap.. i know my client will send it back to the factory and ask the manufacturer to fix it.. cheh, pray that they wont be able to fix it and jus gimme a brand new PC..

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