Thursday, October 12, 2006

What Is In Store For Today?!

good gracious, it is freaking sleepy at this time of the day... coffee wont do any good.. jus have a short so-called siesta for a mere 15mins after lunch.. went to lunch early today as our colleague, Mr Lam is going back today.. so I am back to office earlier & hv a nap.. ZzZzZzZ

actually planned to send a gtalk msg to Ms Angela asking where is my friend, cos she is not in office yet.. jus afraid that she is not well since she mentioned she hv cold & hot the nite before.. but then, Ms Angela's status is away for lunch.. so just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.. well it pays off to know that she is fined when she prompt me a simple msg.. that is a kinda relieving..

right, here are 2 more MV which i listened & watch this morning.. both of them are from Eason Chan (陳奕迅).. 1st one is 明年今日 and the 2nd is 十面埋伏.. ^_^

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